(February 2010)
A 2-hour trip out of Chiang Mai, a quick stop for photos on a hill with a crude map of the area, a 15-minute speedboat ride to the point where the 3 countries intersect, and a 30-minute layover in a small touristy village in Laos. That about sums up a visit to the Golden Triangle.
“Ladies and gentlemen, you are in Thailand. Myanmar is on your left, and Laos is on your right. Welcome to the Golden Triangle!”
Really, that's it!
There is no visit to the happy farm, no sampling of the region’s infamous produce, and no sign of any illegal activities other than the vendors overcharging you on the souvenirs, which by the way, you can get in Chiang Mai’s night market for less Baht. There is the Hall of Opium with a history and background of opium and a small plantation for an admission fee of 500B / foreigner.
OK, along the 2-hour journey each way, there is the White Temple (highly recommended), the Black Temple, the town of Chiang Rai, the hot spring, and the Condom Restaurant (no, it’s not a typo.)
The Golden Triangle is just a landmark, not an experience.
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